Posted on Wednesday, June 30, 2010, 11:00 PM. 1 comment/s.

Oh yes, today is the inauguration of President Noynoy Aquino that's why we don't have classes but how can I enjoy this day if we have too many assignments ! x(

We had 6 assignments : English, Val.Ed, Math, TLE, AP, and Filipino and I also have two reports for tomorrow one for AP again and Science which are about Southeast Asia and Nucleic Acids. I have finished making visual aides for my report in AP but in Science, I don't have the courage to do it anymore because I was too tired, maybe I won't sleep tonight and also I can't understand my topic in Science. So Goodluck for tomorrow if I can do it right !

I have already done my homeworks in English, Values, TLE, and Filipino. I can't do my Math because I forgot to copy the given at the board and I don't know to whom I can ask for those. Our assignment at AP was too hard: to make a reaction paper for the inauguration. I have watched it on television but I don't know where will I start it ..

I have so many problems about these and I feel sleepy :((((
Can some one help me ? Please ? T^T
